Do you want to know more?

Lucrezia Van Stegeren
Lucrezia Van Stegeren, CEO and Co-founder of Cryptoland Media, a reference point in web3 media and podcasts in Italy.
An expert in digital marketing and a well-known face as a presenter, she is committed to making innovation and web3 topics interesting and affordable for everyone through engaging stories.

James Farrugia
James Farrugia is the partner who heads the firm's financial services regulatory practice. He focuses on the asset management, investment services, funds and fintech sectors. James is able to offer clients sound insight and practical solutions to their regulatory challenges. He has also been actively involved in assisting with numerous blockchain-based projects.
James is a regular contributor to international journals and has participated in numerous local and international conferences dedicated to this field.

The events conclude with an aperitif offered by our sponsors, an opportunity for networking and discussion on the topics discussed with industry professionals
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Thanks to those who made this event possible
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Per chi compilerà il breve questionario, metteremo in palio un pass gratuito per il Quant 2024, l'evento nazionale di due giorni di riferimento per la finanza quantitativa e l'asset management, che si terrà nella splendida cornice dell'Hotel Parchi del Garda a Lazise.
Qui puoi scaricare i contenuti dell'evento
Special Guest Lugano
ETC Group & hanETF
Special Guest Milano
Diaman Partners
La congiunzione astrale
Dimana Partners
Modelli di previsione del prezzo
Diaman Partners